1 Qt: Signals & Slots (Source: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/signalsandslots.html ) Introduction Signals and slots are used for communication between objects. How to Use Signals and Slots - Qt Wiki You can't set default value in slot attributes e.g. void ... function to relate the signal to the slot. Qt's signals and slots mechanism does not require classes ... Qt - Multi window signal slot connection | qt Tutorial qt documentation: Multi window signal slot ... ~MainWindow(); public slots: void ... MainWindow *ui; //You want to keep a pointer to a new Website ... Signals and Slots in Depth | C++ GUI Programming with Qt4 ... We have already connected some signals and slots ... or if the signal or the slot doesn't exist, Qt will issue a warning at ... newSalary); signals: void ...
Signals and slots question | Qt Forum
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Example. While being better in many regards, the new connection syntax in Qt5 has one big weakness: Connecting overloaded signals and slots. In order to let the compiler resolve the overloads we need to use static_casts to member function pointers, or (starting in Qt 5.7) qOverload and friends:
Following on from Lukáš Lalinský's answer, 'passing' signals and slots can be as simple as this: void Foo::bar(const QObject *sender, const QString &signal, const ... c++ - Is it safe to emit signal passing QObject pointer as ... Is it safe to emit signal passing QObject pointer as parameter right before the passed ... As per c++ standard dereferencing a pointer of an ... Qt signals/slots: ... Signals & Slots | Qt Core 5.12.3
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I have several signals and slots with the same signal provider and subscriber, I am trying to clean up the code with a single connect statement and then set the pSignalClicked and pSlotClick pointers … c++ - Attaching signals and slots to an object within a connect_to_pointer takes the usual QObject * as its first argument and a QSharedPointer as its third argument. connect_pointers takes QSharedPointers for both parameters. There are two versions of each of these: one that accepts the SIGNAL()/SLOT() syntax and one that accepts the (recommended) function pointers. FTPClient using QTcpSocket and signals and slots | Qt Forum FTPClient using QTcpSocket and signals and slots FTPClient using QTcpSocket and signals and slots signals: public slots: void connected(); private: QTcpSocket *socket; ... I know my code isn't nice but I've just started my QT experience, so I hope that you'll understand and can help me. Thanks a lot :) Reply Quote 0. Best practice for passing pointers as sender for async signals Best practice for passing pointers as sender for async signals Best practice for passing pointers as sender for async signals. This topic has been deleted. I retain the smart pointer in ProjectLoader's signal slot. @ void MainController::didLoadProjects(QSharedPointer
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Why I dislike Qt signals/slots - elfery Why I dislike Qt signals/slots (Originally posted on Sunday, February 19th, 2012.) I've created over a dozen small projects using Qt by now. Most of the time I think I might as well make use of Qt's signals/slots system -- I mean it's already there. Qt 4.2: Signals and Slots - qt.developpez.com
Is it possible, and if so, how can I create a signal/slot in Qt that is a const reference to a shared_ptr? I want a signal that looks like this: void signal( shared_ptr